
Website Advertising

At chdlife.com, we boast a significant online presence with over 200,000 monthly visitors and a robust ranking across more than 3,000 local keywords. Our website is a hub for engaging content, latest updates, and news, all focused on the Tricity area (Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula). Advertising options on our website include:

  • Article Publications: Have your articles published on our site to share your message with a wide audience.
  • Banner Placements: Position your banners on our top-ranking pages to gain maximum visibility.
  • Sponsored Articles: Sponsor articles on our homepage to boost your brand’s presence.

Advertising on chdlife.com connects you with a dedicated, local organic audience in the Tricity, making it an excellent choice for regional exposure.

Social Media Advertising


CHDLIFE commands a following of over 125,000 users from Chandigarh on Instagram, making it the most popular page in terms of reach within the Tricity. With more than 1 crore reach, advertising on CHDLIFE Instagram provides:

  • Brand Growth: Ideal for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and engagement with the Chandigarh Tricity audience.
  • Targeted Advertising: Perfect for targeted campaigns aimed at boosting your brand’s presence and customer engagement.


Similar to our Instagram, our Facebook page serves as a critical platform for connecting with local audiences. It offers unique opportunities for engagement and brand promotion through tailored posts and ads.

Magazine Advertising

Chandigarh Life launched its inaugural magazine edition in May 2024 followed by a second in June 2024, named “The Chandigarh Life”. Our magazine:

  • Local Reach: Targets a dedicated reader base interested in lifestyle, culture, and events within Chandigarh.
  • Diverse Content: Features a mix of articles that cater to varied interests, providing a rich medium for advertisers to reach potential customers effectively.

Whether you’re aiming to expand your reach through digital or print media, CHDLIFE offers comprehensive solutions tailored to meet your advertising needs in the vibrant market of Chandigarh Tricity.

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