
City Municipal Corporation Allocates Rs 20 Lakh for Dog Bite Victims Following Court Directions

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  • Date: March 29, 2024
  • Author: shreyasvi singh

In a landmark decision aimed at addressing the aftermath of dog bite incidents, the City Municipal Corporation has earmarked a fund of Rs 20 lakh specifically for compensating dog bite victims in the fiscal year 2024-25. This move comes in response to the Punjab and Haryana High Court’s directive, which stipulates that victims of dog bites should receive a minimum financial assistance of Rs 10,000 for every tooth mark incurred.

The High Court’s ruling highlights the need for municipal bodies to take a proactive stance in safeguarding their citizens against such incidents, ensuring that victims are not only provided with immediate medical care but also receive financial support to mitigate the impact of their injuries. This compensation is seen as a step towards acknowledging the physical and emotional distress suffered by dog bite victims.

The allocation of Rs 20 lakh by the City Municipal Corporation signifies a significant commitment to public health and safety, recognizing the urgent need to address the rising incidents of dog bites within the community. It also underscores the Corporation’s adherence to the legal frameworks set forth by the judiciary, demonstrating a concerted effort to comply with the High Court’s directives.

Victims of dog bites can now avail themselves of this compensation scheme, which is expected to alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with treatment and recovery. The Municipal Corporation has advised affected individuals to contact their local municipal offices to learn more about the compensation process and the requisite documentation.

This initiative also complements ongoing efforts to manage stray dog populations and implement effective rabies vaccination campaigns, aiming to reduce the risk of dog bites in the future. By allocating funds for compensation and focusing on preventive measures, the City Municipal Corporation is taking a holistic approach to enhance public safety and welfare.

The community has welcomed the decision, seeing it as a positive step towards providing much-needed support to individuals affected by dog bites, while also emphasizing the importance of responsible pet ownership and community awareness to prevent such incidents.