PGIMER Chandigarh launches India’s 1st amputee clinic pgi


On February 2, 2021, PGIMER’s director Mr Jagat Ram informed that the institute inaugurated India’s first-ever Amputee Clinic in Chandigarh. The newly launched clinic will significantly improve amputee patients’ care and services. The main aim of the newest clinic is to unify all diverse hospital sections with some upgrades where needed. It also aims to provide appropriate management to the amputees to rehabilitate society.

PGIMER Chandigarh

Picture credit of an amputee patient-

Key Services:

  • Includes all the specialities that help in patient care and rehab under one roof
  • Specialists from various departments, including orthopaedics, prosthetists, PMR (physical and medical rehabilitation), psychologists, occupational physiotherapy and nursing departments
  • Focuses on providing holistic care to patients with amputation
  • Involves evaluation, resuscitation and treatment after the initial event, followed by appropriate planning and surgical interventions
  • Will run amputee schools based on the successful knee school already running at PGI
  • Will get amputees together to interact with each other and get collective counselling and understand issues faced by other similar cases

Sources: Jagran Josh & The Times of India

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