
Senior Citizens Group Appeals to UT Administration to Halt Agricultural Land Auction in Chandigarh

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The Second Innings Association (SIA), a prominent senior citizens group in Chandigarh, has urged the UT Administration to intervene and prevent the Municipal Corporation (MC) from proceeding with a planned auction of agricultural land. The association’s plea comes in response to a public notice issued by the MC, announcing an open auction scheduled for June 21.

According to SIA, the auction was announced following a supplementary agenda passed during the MC House meeting on June 11. However, this action has sparked controversy as it allegedly lacks the necessary approval from the Chandigarh Administration. The MC Act, which governs the city, stipulates that the minutes of MC House meetings must be approved by the Chandigarh Administration before any decisions can be implemented.

RK Garg, President of the Second Innings Association, criticized the MC’s haste in issuing the public notice, especially noting that it came just a day after the Secretary of Local Government was relieved of duties, suggesting a possible oversight or disregard for proper procedural conduct.

The senior citizens’ association is particularly concerned about the implications of leasing out agricultural land, which they believe could impact the community adversely. The SIA’s appeal to the UT Administration is an attempt to ensure that all legal and procedural requirements are met before such significant actions are taken.

The UT Administration has yet to respond to the association’s letter, leaving the planned auction and the future of the agricultural land in uncertainty. The community awaits further developments as the administration reviews the legality and propriety of the MC’s actions.

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